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Profile Settings

As well as having an Account Summary about your venue, you can also have a personal profile for each of your sales team.

Updated over a week ago

The more personalised your proposals are, the better they convert. One great and easy way to do this is to include a good personal profile. There are just 4 quick steps to this:

  1. Go to 'Profile' from the left hand panel in your account.

  2. Click 'Edit Profile' and then add your first name, last name and job title.

  3. You also have a few settings to decide on:

    1. Email Notifications: We recommend this to switched on. It will allow you to receive notifications about your proposales. To see a full list of the notifications you will receive, click here.

    2. Show my Email: If this is turned on, you will show your own email address in your proposals. If this is turned off, you will show the generic, account level email address instead.

    3. Show my Phone Number: You can decide if you do or do not want to show your email address.

  4. To add a profile picture, scroll down to the sectio named 'Profile Picture' and click the small camera icon to choose your image. A square or circular image works best. This will be shown at the bottom of every proposal you send.

Once you have followed these steps, you will end up with something like this at the bottom of every proposal:

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