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Inbox Widget

Collect RFPs directly from your website with the Inbox Widget

Updated over a week ago

How it works

Finally there is a streamlined inbox for all your RFPs. Inbox from Proposales is a new way to collect RFPs straight into your Proposales account. Collect requests from you website, or share a link anywhere. The modern Inbox widget is interactive to lower the friction—and increase the conversion. Did we say you can get started in 1 minute?

Use it anywhere

  • Embed on website
    Beautiful & smart proposal request form on your website – 1 minute installation.

  • Share link
    Share via email, text or simply anywhere.

  • Social Channels
    Share it on your Facebook page, or let field sales people share it on their LinkedIn when having campaigns to drive bookings.

  • Paid ads
    Convert more leads with a delightful request form.

Share link

You can share the link anywhere to allow potential guests to fill it out. That way you will ensure that every RFP gets qualified—all relevant information about the request is there, and ready to be responded with a proposal.

Embed on website

Simply link to the inbox form like you would with any other link. For example:

<a href="">Send us a request</a>

And by adding this script to your head or body (or via Google Tag Manager) the widget will open on top of your website automatically — just like magic.

<script src="" async></script>

Proposales Inbox Form Widget

Automatic language detection

The Inbox Widget will automatically identify the language of the page where it is embedded, meaning you don't have to think about language. Simply embed the same link (see above) anywhere.

This is done based on the specified website language, e.g. <html lang="sv">, and otherwise based on browser language.

Disable "Complete your request"

If you for some reason don't want to show the "Complete your request", that shows up if someone close the embedded Inbox Widget, you can disable it with CSS.

<style type="text/css">
#resume-booking {display: none !important;}

Pass in data via the URL

Similar to how you use UTM-params to track in Google Analytics, it is possible to understand where every request origins from. Understand the origin of the request by tagging links, e.g. campaign=easter-package and full example:

You can add how many attributes that you like, simply separate them with & after the initial ?. Example:

Auto-added parameters when embedded

When embedded, some parameters from the website will be passed in along with the request. This is helpful to understand the origin or context of the request.

source = Full domain name, including any subdomain, e.g.

url = The current URL of the current web page, e.g.

last_referrer = The URL of the web page that was visited before reaching the current page, e.g. or

Responding to requests

All requests will end up under the Inbox tab in Proposales. Simply tap "Create Proposal" to turn the request into a proposal — with data pre-populated in you template.

Custom Branding

Your brand is important. Adjust the design of the Inbox Widget to fit your brand. Talk to us to see if Custom Branding is part of your existing plan.

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