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Localize your Templates

This article explains how to quickly adapt your templates for multiple markets.

Updated over a week ago

Once you have created your complete template library in one language, it is super easy to create duplicates in other languages. This will allow you to respond to your guests in the same language that they are speaking, and will feel most comfortable with.

To do this you should select the template that you want to translate. When you click it, it will look as though you have created a new proposal from the template, which is what we want. You can then follow the steps below:

  • Click 'Appearance' on the right hand panel

  • Navigate down to 'Languages' and select the language you want from the dropdown menu. You will get a banner appear to tell you what has been translated.

Most details on the proposal will change automatically thanks to our built in, professional translations. This is also thanks to you creating products with multiple languages inside your content library. If you only see one language in your content library, you just need to manage your language options at the bottom of 'Settings', more on this here.

However, the details below need to be changed manually:

  • Introduction text

  • Attachments

  • Comments

Swap these for the correct languages and that is now all complete.

Click 'Save as Template' at the bottom of the right hand panel, and you're done!

Next time you look in your Template Library you will see both language versions of the template and they will be clearly labeled with the flag for their respective languages.

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