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Getting Started with tracking Events in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager
Getting Started with tracking Events in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

Follow this guide to ensure everything is correctly configured to get valuable insights

Updated this week

With Proposales events now being tracked, you can start measuring the performance of your campaigns e.g., those coming from Adwords, by setting up Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (GA). Follow this guide to ensure everything is correctly configured to get valuable insights into your conversions.

Step 1: Set up Google Tag Manager (GTM)

  1. Log in to GTM: Go to Google Tag Manager and log in with your Google account.

  2. Create a New Tag for Proposales Events:

    • Go to Tags and click on New.

    • Select Tag Type: Choose Google Analytics: GA4 Event or Universal Analytics depending on your setup.

    • For Tag Configuration, choose:

      • GA4: Choose your Google Analytics 4 Configuration.

      • UA: Choose Track Event for Universal Analytics.

    • Event Name: Use the Proposales event names such as:

      • proposales_proposal_submitted

      • proposales_proposal_accepted

      • proposales_request_started

    • Add any required Event Parameters (such as proposal_id, request_id, etc.).

  3. Set up Triggers:

    • Go to Triggers and create a new trigger that listens for Proposales events in the dataLayer.

    • In the trigger configuration, set it to fire on custom events matching the Proposales event names (e.g., proposales_proposal_accepted).

  4. Save and Publish: Once you've set up the tag and trigger, click Submit to publish the changes.

Step 2: Set up Google Analytics (GA)

  1. Log in to Google Analytics:

    • Go to Google Analytics and log in with your Google account.

    • Select your property or create a new one for Proposales tracking.

  2. Create Custom Events:

    • In GA4: Go to Configure > Events and create new custom events to track the Proposales-specific events like proposales_proposal_accepted or proposales_request_submitted.

    • In UA: Go to Admin > Goals, and create new goals to track conversions based on these events.

  3. Set Up Ecommerce Tracking:

    • In GA4, ensure eCommerce Tracking is enabled for detailed transaction tracking when proposals are accepted.

    • In UA, enable Enhanced Ecommerce to track proposal acceptance as conversions (e.g., using the proposal_id, value, currency).

Step 3: Monitor Your Conversions and Adwords ROI

  1. Google Ads Integration:
    If you want to track conversions from Adwords:

    • In GA4 or UA, link your Google Ads account by going to Admin > Google Ads Linking. This will allow Google Analytics to send conversion data back to Google Ads for tracking.

  2. Set Conversion Goals:

    • Mark important Proposales events (e.g., proposales_proposal_accepted) as conversions in GA to track how they contribute to your overall performance.

  3. View Reports:

    • In Google Analytics, navigate to Events or Conversions to view how many proposals were submitted, viewed, and accepted.

    • In Google Ads, go to the Conversions section to see the attributed conversions coming from Adwords clicks, and calculate your ROI.

Key Events to Track:

Here are the main Proposales events you’ll want to track:

  • proposales_request_started: When the Proposales Inbox widget is opened.

  • proposales_proposal_submitted: When a request (RFP) is submitted via the Inbox widget.

  • proposales_proposal_sent: When the proposal is sent to the recipient.

  • proposales_proposal_viewed: When a proposal is viewed.

  • proposales_proposal_accepted: When the proposal is accepted (important for conversion tracking).

Additional Tips:

  • UTM Parameters: If you’re using UTM parameters in your Adwords campaigns (e.g., utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign), make sure these are captured in the events to provide even more detailed tracking.

  • Test your Setup: Always test your event triggers and GA tracking by performing actions in your inbox widget and verifying the data appears correctly in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

By following these steps, you'll be able to track how users from Adwords are interacting with your proposals and measure the exact impact of your marketing efforts on proposal acceptance and ROI.

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