These are the steps to follow to create a proposal that will sync with Opera.
Select a template.
Add the title of the proposal and choose a date in the SmartText: Period.
If needed edit your preference. A drop down in each of the fields with all your options will show.
Go to Content and chose the products to be offered. See which ones are available, not available or partially available and how many.
Under the Meeting rooms an Event Resource can be added. For each day you can modify the number of attendees, Event Type and Set up Style.
And from Event Resources you can choose to add from all your Items and all your Menus.
When adding a Accommodation you can choose see see your avaialbility per rooms category or per Room Pool.
When selecting the Accommodation you can specify the occupancy of it.
The rates will be fetched from Opera according to the rate code, the period and the room category.
To select who you will be sending the proposal. Go to Recipient and find your Opera contacts.
Send the proposal and the Block will be created in Opera automatically including all the products selected previously from Proposales.
Edits on the proposal will sync with the Opera block simultaneously
Once the recipient accepts or denies the offer the status of the Block will automatically change status to what you have set the settings.