If you have a Premium Proposales account, we can connect your Opera Cloud PMS with your Proposales account.
The Oracle agreement also has to include 'Foundation'.
If you're unsure how to find these details, scroll to the bottom of this page for help.
Integration Process:
If you work with SSD
Send us the details about the hotels Opera account:
a) Chain Code,
b) The URL everyone uses to log in to OPERA Cloud and
c) The Opera Hotel IDProposales sends a connection request to your OPERA Cloud.
Your OPERA Cloud Administrator accepts our request for PROPS-WSACCESS.
Done π
If you work with OCIM
Send us the details about the hotels Opera account:
a) Chain Code,
b) The Opera Hotel ID
c) Enterprise IDProposales sends a connection request to your OPERA Cloud.
Your OPERA Cloud Administrator accepts our request for PROPS-WSACCESS.
Done π
How to find my Opera details:
How to approve the Proposales User as WSACCESS: