What is the Insights Page?
The Insights page provides you with key statistics on your usage of Proposales. You can access it by clicking on Insights in the side navigation menu.
Sections of Insights
The Insights page is divided into three sections: Overview, Performance, and Compare. You can navigate between these sections using the menu at the top left of the page.
Interval Filter
At the top of all Insights sections, you'll find the Interval Filter, which allows you to select a predefined date range. By default, the filter is set to Last 7 days, but you can change it to Month to date, Year to date, or other intervals.
Download Button
The Download button is available in the Overview and Performance sections and lets you download all proposal insights for your company in CSV format for the selected date range.
General Facts
All calculations in Insights are based on the value without tax.
We detect the currency from the first proposal that appears in the insights result
Conversion rates are calculated by dividing the number of accepted proposals by number of concluded or Inactive proposals (i.e accepted, rejected, withdrawn or expired) within the specified date range.
1. Overview
The Overview section gives you a summary of your company's proposals for the selected date range.
Key Metrics
At the top of the Overview section, you'll see several key metrics that provide insights into your proposals:
Sent Value: The total value of all proposals sent, regardless of their status.
βFormula: Total value of proposals (first version) within the selected date range.Active Value: The total value of currently active proposals.
βFormula: Total value of Active proposals (first version) within the selected date range.Accepted Value: The total value of proposals that were accepted.
βFormula: Total value of Accepted proposals with Status: Accepted within the selected date range.Lost Value: The total value of proposals that were either rejected or withdrawn.
βFormula: Total value of Rejected or Withdrawn proposals with Status: Rejected, Withdrawn or Lost within the selected date range.
Proposal Turned into Sales
Below the key metrics, you'll find a bar chart that shows how proposals are converting into sales. The bars are color-coded: Black represents Accepted proposals, and Grey represents Active proposals.
Top Rejected Reasons
At the bottom left, you'll see a chart showing the most common reasons for proposal rejection or withdrawal. These are grouped by their reject codes, and the chart is sorted by the most common reasons.
On the bottom right, you'll find a list of users who have active proposals, along with the number and value of their proposals, sorted by value in descending order.
2. Performance
The Performance section focuses mainly on Accepted proposals, although it also provides data on other statuses.
Accepted Proposals
This section displays a bar chart with three view options: Conversion Rate, Number of Accepted Proposals, and Average Value per Proposal. The default view is Conversion Rate, but you can switch between views by clicking on them.
Key Metrics
The Key Metrics section in Performance includes:
Fastest Accept: The shortest time it took for a proposal to be accepted since it was sent.
Fastest Send: The shortest time it took to send a proposal after drafting.
Accepted Within 48 Hours: The percentage of proposals accepted within 48 hours of being sent.
Median Time to First View: The median time it took for an Accepted proposal to be viewed for the first time after being sent.
People Performance
This section lists users who have sent proposals in the selected date range, with data on the number of proposals, conversion rates, and upsell values for each user.
3. Compare
The Compare section is similar to the Performance section but displays insights across all accounts that you have access to.
Accepted Proposals
Just like in the Performance section, you'll see a bar chart showing the Conversion Rates, Number of Accepted Proposals, and Average Value per Proposal across all accounts.
Key Metrics
The key metrics in Compare are the same as in Performance, but they apply to all accounts:
Fastest Accept
Fastest Send
Accepted Within 48 Hours
Median Time to First View
This section lists the accounts (companies/hotels) that have sent proposals within the selected date range, showing the number of proposals, average value per sent proposal, average response time, and conversion rate for each account